Empower Your SDG Goals & Attract Top Talent!

TY Future online platform supports organisations and their social responsibility initiatives by providing alternative pathway that can help reach their SDG objectives, attracting and identifying potential future talent.

Empowering the Next Generation Together

Do you want to make a significant impact on teenagers' futures?
At TY Future, we partner with organisations to help turn Big Dreams into reality.

We help students discover their career paths in a unique and engaging way. Our online platform offers self-guided journey & industry-recognized career content based on real-world practical experience.
  • Explore
  • Engage
  • Impact
  • Succeed

We are here to help you!

Do you want to support students in discovering their ideal career paths?
Are you looking to make a meaningful impact but face challenges in reaching all students effectively?

Many organisations encounter obstacles when trying to engage students & schools and provide comprehensive career exploration opportunities. You might struggle with limited resources, logistical hurdles, or the need to offer relevant, engaging content.

These are common issues, but they can be addressed with the right partnership and tools.

Let us help you expand your reach, promote inclusivity, and offer impactful career guidance. Together, we can ensure that every student has the opportunity to explore their interests and make informed decisions about their future.

Engagement Rate

Positive Feedback

Practical Experience

How does it work?

Choose the schools you want to help

This could be schools in a specific area like North Dublin, Donegal etc. or schools for females.

Help students explore careers

You can choose some specific careers you think are important, but students can also explore any career path they're interested in on our platform

Pick how many students you want to support

Decide how many students from each year group (1st to 6th year) you'd like to support.

We take care of the details

We'll work with the schools you choose, get them set up on our platform, and even help teachers manage deadlines.
What we offer

For organisations, we offer:

Platform that save valuable time in planning various activities.
It can be operated as a standalone program or seamlessly integrated with existing activities

A comprehensive report measuring the impact of the program on students' career choices in both the short and long term
Write your awesome label here.

We are here to help!

Contact us with any any questions